Pillar protection

You’ve probably seen it? Paint on pillars in car parks. Lots of colours, but none applied by a painter!

our core values

Prevent parking damage

Comfortable parking

Fast and service

Prevent parking damage

Comfortable parking

Fast and service

The solution

Pillar protector is the unique solution. The column protector is ideal for protecting vehicles from scratches, scrapes and collision damage.

How does it work?

Pillar protector is made of 3cm thick recycled foam. The assembly is easily put together. The foam absorbs grazes and scrapes completely.

What does it looks like?

There is a standard height of 150cm and the protector covers the entire perimeter of the pillar.
The whole protector is covered in a heavy duty canvas.

Curious to know what we can do for you?

Pillar Car Protector

Duizendschoonhof 4
8255JD Swifterbant
+31 (0)6 51 56 89 54